Creative Soccer Culture

Crystal Palace | Matchday Programme 15/16

Going nowhere near settling for the norm, Crystal Palace are a team leading an innovative, original and independent charge towards the top end of the creative spectrum.

Perhaps symbolic of the various work that goes on behind the scenes when it comes to creating that image for themselves is the matchday programme. Attention to detail throughout, it's varies paperstock along with contemporary and classic features offers a wealth of value for money. Hanging on to the traditional shape and size of a matchday programme, it's the design, layout and fine tuning that makes the 15/16 programme stand out.

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As well as winning on photography accounts, the diverse amount of content that caters for a wide audience is very much to be appreciated while throughout the clean and beautifully minimal execution is what sets this out as one of sharpest deliveries going. Nostalgiac programmes recreated and a 'Junior Eagles Mag' is a fine move.

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The club as a whole branded on point. Bells and whistles ringing with confident tune; it's not over the top, pretentious, nor in your face - a celebration of what the club is, tailored for it's fans. Hats off.


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