A band that live and breath Manchester United, PROSE are born and raised with a Stretford End backdrop. Post a busy summer and a build up to a strong 17/18 season, we spoke to a band who are taking their United roots on the road.

So from the top - what do United mean to you guys?

"Man United is everything to us. Growing so close to Old Trafford meant it was a massive part of our childhood. Think we all dreamed of being footballers way before we had the music dream."

Was it ever a choice between City and United for you?

"No never....we're not from Stockport! Lee's dad is probably the only City fan in our families, but we think he just did that for attention and Lee managed to resist!"

What were those early memories of United - can you remember your introduction to football?

"Our introduction to football was during the early Premier League years when United started their dominance. We are really happy that we weren't about in the 80's when Liverpool dominated. Eric Cantona was a massive influence on us during those years and also the Class of 92's introduction to the team."

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Can you describe what it means to be a United fan - what's the experience like in having such a huge local club to follow? What does the match day routine look like?

"We feel blessed really to be lucky enough to be born right next to the worlds biggest football club! Although being born in Barcelona may have given us a run for our money, but we're not complaining. Match day is madness around Old Trafford and the Stretford area. It takes over people lives in a good way. There is a real carnival and exciting atmosphere and sets the mood for everyone's weekend."

Similarly, what about music - were those iconic Manchester bands and musicians key to you guys heading down a musical route?

"Oasis were a massive part in inspiring us to go down a musical path; the fact that two brothers from Manchester practically took over the world (or at least a good chunk of it) for a good few years showed us anything can be done if you put your mind to it."

You're a band with football on your doorstep, how would you describe the significance of both football and music in Manchester?

"We think football and music go hand-in-hand in Manchester. We don't know many people who don't like football or have grown up without one of the iconic Manchester bands in their households. Football and music have been synonymous with each other, with Oasis being big City fans and the Stone Roses, and Simply Red showing support for United everyone seemed to be aware of it."

It's arguably one of the most creative city's on the planet, what does the area mean to you?

"Manchester is the centre of the universe man! So many good things have come from the city, not just in music. It might not look pretty from the outside (or the inside in some parts ha), but it's a great place to live and be creative."

Old Trafford is such an impressive and iconic home of football - do you still get that sense of excitement when you see the place?

"Yeah definitely. I think you end up appreciating it more the older you get. You do get carried away sometimes and take it for granted. You forget that people travel the world just to see the stadium and we drive past it daily. But the feeling when we were kids doesn't leave you. We remember going on school tours, even before we went to our first games."

Tell us about the band, how did you get together?

"Mike and Dave are cousins and have had a passion for music from being young. Lee grew up on the same street as Dave and has also been an aspiring musician from a young age. Lee and Dave met when Lee started dating Dave's big sister (touchy subject)."

"Dave began producing music for Mike to rap to and when Mike said he wanted to create something with live guitars, Lee was the obvious choice. We all met up and created a song one weekend and then started to meet up every week after that. The rest is history."


You've had references to football and naturally, Manchester in some of your videos, was that a chance to combine your passions almost?

"Yes, it was something we looked at and had hoped for without forcing it. We have a few tunes that we think have a football vibe but never thought we would be able to combine the two. Therefore, the 'Run With Faith' video was an excellent opportunity to do so, and we hope for more opportunities to connect the two in the future."

What does the rest of 2017 and into 2018 look like for you guys? Having played Reading and Leeds, are you looking to hit the road some more?

"The next exciting project we have coming up is an EP launch and live show with Manchester Camerata orchestra. We will be creating a five track EP with a live string quartet from the orchestra and then perform it live on Saturday 9 December 2017, which will also be the launch date of the EP. It will be held at Band On The Wall venue in Manchester."

What about on the football side, can we expect to see you at Old Trafford as the season unfolds?

"Yeah already been there this season and long may it continue! Currently, it's the international break, and we can't wait for the season to continue, and the Champions League might be back again this season. We just need to secure a Prose gig actually inside Old Trafford now for this season!"

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Launching their EP 'Empty Hands' in December, you can find out more here.