Creative Soccer Culture

Football News - SoccerBible Competition Winner Meets Joe Cole! - 30/09/08

Football News - SoccerBible Competition Winner Meets Joe Cole! - 30/09/08

Alex Walker won our SoccerBible competition to meet Chelsea and England star football player Joe Cole! Have a look at the pictures and see what happened when we sent Alex and a friend to Niketown to meet their football icon.

" Firstly, I'd just like to say thanks to you all at SoccerBible for making this happen. This was really an experience I'll never forget, and I can't tell how grateful I am. I myself am a Chelsea fan, so to see Joe Cole face to face was truly special.

Me and my mate were escorted to this private area fenced off from the public upstairs in Niketown, and as soon as we entered the room we couldn't believe it. There were cameras everywhere, and other people our age were all sitting on chairs around a stage waiting for Joe Cole. I've never felt so privileged in my life.

We took our seats and it wasn't long before Joe Cole appeared with an ex-Arsenal Player, but I don't remember his name we were obviously far too focused on Joe! Joe was then interviewed by the ex-Arsenal player as the rest of us just watched in astonishment no more than 2 metres away from him!

We listened to Joe commenting on his youth career, his England career, and what he thought about today's game and British players including Theo Walcott. Walcott was compared to Joe, as Theo has also got a massive reputation already, just like Joe did when he was a teenager.

Joe then gave his advice to young footballers, saying "The most important thing in football is to never give up. The brave footballers will always outshine others. If you get tackled, then chase that man down and get the ball back, and don't be afraid to take him on again. That's the sign of a brave footballer."

When the interview finished, it was our turn to ask Joe a few questions. The things he had to say were very interesting. He said that Chelsea midfielder Deco was the best footballer he has ever played alongside in his entire career. He also said that his wonder goal against Sweden in the 2006 Fifa World Cup was not his favourite, and that it only looked good because it was on the World Stage. He didn't tell us his favourite goal though.

Finally, we all lined up and recieve a signed football from him as well as posing for a picture with him. We got to talk to him one to one and get our shirts signed too. He was a really nice guy, always smiling with a great sense of humour. I couldn't believe that I had just shook the hand of my hero Joe Cole.

But really, just thank you so much for making this happen. It was incredible and I will never forget this amazing day, my friend would also like to say thanks and the look on his face as he saw Joe Cole was hilarious! " - Alex Walker


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