Creative Soccer Culture

Kevin Doyle and Shane Long - St Patrick's Interviews

Kevin Doyle and Shane Long - St Patrick's Interviews

With it being St Patricks day, SoccerBible caught up with two of the Premier League's favourite Irish players. Both Kevin Doyle and Shane Long are strikers who wear Puma football boots, and recently we sat down with both players together to talk Ireland, football boots, computer games and cars...

Who are your football heroes?

Kevin Doyle: Anyone who played in the Ireland team in the early 1990's, I was besotted by them.

Shane Lon Yeah I agree that era was a quality period for Irish football, the players we had were quality.

Who is your current favourite player?


KD: I d have to go for Messi I think he is unplayable just now.

SL: Has to be Kevin haha! 


Who's the best player at your club?


KD: Erm...I'll say Stephen Fletcher.

SL: Chris Brunt is a talent for sure. 


Who is the toughest opponent you've played against?


KD: Has to be Fabio Cannavaro, he was top draw.


Any other sports you enjoy playing?


KD: Shane is actually a really good hurler and got to county level for Munster. I play golf when I can.

Yeah I love a bit of golf when we get the chance


Is there a camaraderie with the other Irish players in the league?

KD: There are quite a few Irish lads now that are in the Midlands as well as ourselves, so we do get to catch up quite a bit even when we re not on International duty. We see Hunty [Stephen Hunt] all of the time as we all live near each other, as well as Shay [Given] and some of the younger players.

Both have fellow countrymen in your squads, ever play any games from back home like hurling?

SL: Yeah as Kev said I did. I was quite late into football because of the hurling with Tipperary GAA. I started hurling as a boy but then I was scouted to play for Cork City. I do miss hurling but I m glad I made the change because it s worked out for the best.

How do you rate Ireland's chances for the EURO's?

KD: At this stage we d have to say that we rate our chances. We re excited about the Euros and looking forward to getting together. There ll be a lot of competition for places which is why all of our club games at the moment are as important as ever. We need to keep playing well and that will put us in good shape if we get selected for Ireland.


Do you have any superstitions before big games?

SL: There s nothing I have to do before a game.

KD: No. 



Highlight of your career so far?

KD: I ll probably say qualifying for Euro Champs this summer.

SL: Yeah, definitely looking forward to Euro Championships should I be lucky enough to be selected, representing your country on the International Tournament stage is a huge honour.

What feature stands-out on your current boots that impresses you the most?

SL: I like that Kevin has my initials on his boots! (King Finale SL)

KD: [Laughs] 


If you could design a boot what colours would you have?

KD: Puma have shown us some of the boots that are coming out in a few months today, and there are a couple that would look very good with our home kit.



Do you have a favourite pair of memorable boots?


KD: I loved the original white Puma King SL in the 2005/2006 season, it was class.

SL: Mine were the white/blue v1.10 boots from my last season at Reading that I scored a few in!

What music do you listen to before a game?


KD: Shane s a really good singer so he used to sing to himself.

SL: [Laughs] I m not in charge of the iPod in the changing room. It tends to be a mix of whatever s been released recently.

Have you ever played yourself on a computer game, like FIFA?


KD: Yeah, and I always sign myself on Championship Manager and put myself on the best deal! haha

SL: Yeah it s easier to score a few goals on FIFA!


Can you remember your first car, and what are you driving now? 


KD: Yeah it was a family hand me down Toyota carina, the first car I bought was a Fiesta and now I m driving a Masserati.

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