Creative Soccer Culture

Cristiano Ronaldo #RonaldoLIVE

Cristiano Ronaldo #RonaldoLIVE

Fans from around the globe were able to put the skills and reactions of one of the world s greatest footballers, Cristiano Ronaldo, to the test in a live challenge streamed on Facebook...

In the challenge, Castrol EDGE Presents #RonaldoLIVE, fans enjoyed a once-in-a-lifetime chance to test Ronaldo s lightning quick reaction speed, shooting accuracy and strength under pressure as they challenged him to control and successfully strike a barrage of footballs at multiple targets.

With balls falling from chutes in the ceiling, fans who connected to the #RonaldoLIVE Facebook app to watch live, were selected at random to take part in the action by choosing Ronaldo s target from a choice of four goals.

Cristiano Ronaldo commented -  For me Castrol EDGE Presents #RonaldoLIVE is amazing because I can connect with so many people around the world and show them some of my skills live like this. It s a new challenge for me, to be tested by my fans, but I always try to be the best and I hope that they enjoyed it.

During the live 15 minute broadcast more than 180 countries were represented.  From Mongolia to Madagascar and Luxembourg to Lesotho, thousands of fans vied to take on their hero live in the world s first interactive football challenge. The #RonaldoLIVE hash tag reached over 22.1 million people over three days, were you one of those people? If so, join the conversation online.


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