Creative Soccer Culture

EA Sports Release FIFA 14 Trailer

EA Sports Release FIFA 14 Trailer

The countdown has begun, one of the most anticiapted dates in the football calendar has been revealed. A day when all else is forgotten, a day where excess controllers are required, a day for large takeaways and hours of battling for early tournament bragging rights. Friday 27th September will be FIFA 14 day.

EA Sports have launched their first FIFA 14 game-play trailer and just when you thought it couldn't get any better they've raised the bar yet again. Adding a new precision movement feature EA have made every step and movement more realistic and by the looks of the trailer we're in for a treat.

For us, the most exciting new asset has to be the 'Pure Shot' feature. Let's admit it, we all play FIFA so you can bang in an absolute worldy and scream in your mates' face, and now with a brand-new ball physics system EA have transformed shooting, making every shot attempt feel real. The way the ball bounces will enable you to adjust your stride to connect at the perfect moment to unleash the mother of all volleys, but catch it wrong and you're sticking it in row Z.

You can now also shoot whilst off balance or when you're being rushed, so no more waiting to get a shot in, just hit the thing. We can hear you now when you sky your first shot, Pure Shot? More like Pure Sh...

Additional features as well as the new boots and kits will be revealed in the months leading up to the release but for now EA Sports have hooked us up with a list of the key features on the game. Joining the 'Pure Shot' feature is new 'Precision Movement'; player acceleration is more realistic with a game-changing effect on gameplay, players can pivot, cut and shift momentum with the agility and explosiveness of real footballers.

Defensively EA have added 2nd chance tackles, the tackling zone has been extended to enable defenders to combine different types of tackles. You can now recover from missed tackles quicker, meaning you can get up and have a second chance to chop down your mate when he's through on goal in the last minute. It'll cause mayhem in your house but if it means hanging onto a 1-0 lead then it's well worth damaging your friendship.

Other key features include 'Protect The Ball' allowing you to fend-off players while dribbling at any speed and to out-muscle opponents before receiving the ball. 'Curling Lofted Through Balls' have been improved to curl the ball around opponents to serve up chances to your strikers on a silver plate.

Teammate intelligence has been introduced allowing smarter marking and improved run tracking at the back but attacking players have new ways to outsmart their opponents and break down more equipped defences by creating space for themselves and checking their pace when running along the backline. Sounds decent but we'll probably just stick to bashing all the R + L buttons in hope of a jammy stepover.

All your usual features are still knocking about, top players still have a velcro touch whereas lower league players control the ball like they've got trampolines strapped to their feet and career mode has been tweaked slightly to deliver an easier navigation, fewer interuptions and live scouting reports.

So that's your quick run-down on FIFA 14. We'll bring you more when we get it. What are your first thoughts? Join the conversation online, on Twitter and on Facebook.


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