Creative Soccer Culture

Suffering From "Post Season Blues"? We Have The Solution.

Suffering From "Post Season Blues"? We Have The Solution.

Your league's finished for the season, the only thing you have to keep you busy for a couple of months is some hard yards in the gym and your feeling a bit down. You've got "Post Season Blues". Yep, that's right PSB is an actual condition that leaves us all feeling a bit sorry for ourselves during the summer break.

To help kick our post season depression here at SoccerBible the good folks at Gillette have sent us this super cool Subbuteo set. Included are team SoccerBible and team Gillette FC and it got us thinking of ways we used to get our football fix before Football Manager and FIFA came into our lives. We've all got a Subbuteo set locked under the stairs, so why not dig it out this summer. Or you could always pretend to like tennis.

A study, commissioned by Gillette revealed that 73% of football fans are at a loss for things to occupy their time once the season finishes. With almost one in twenty fans disclosing that a massive void opens up in their lives in the absence of football, Gillette are trying to help football fans everywhere combat their PSB.

Neuropsychologist Dr David Lewis warns that fans will be particularly at risk from PSB on weekends, While PSB can strike on any day of the week, in my professional experience what had previously been match days - especially when these fall on a weekend - are when the fans are most at risk.

Other findings revealed that six out of ten fans dread the end of the football season and the replacement activities they would have to participate in. Off-season fears include having to go shopping with the girlfriend (16%), not having an excuse to go to the pub (13%) and having to spend more time with the family (6%). Sigh.

There's a number of approaches you can take to avoid succumbing to PSB including anticipating the void and making plans to fill your time in advance of what would have been match day. This exclusive Subbuteo game sent to us by Gillette offers one way of killing the time and has already enjoyed a few games throughout the SoccerBible offices.

As well as tuning into SoccerBible, Gillette Football Club is the perfect antidote to any PSB sufferer who needs a soccer solution this summer. Now in its second year GFC has changed the way fans enjoy football allowing users to access the latest goals, highlights, news and stats from over 50 different clubs worldwide. So whether you support Manchester United, Barcelona or Real Madrid you can get your fix.

How do you battle Post Season Blues? Visit the Gillette Football Club website for more info. Join the conversation online, on Twitter and on Facebook.


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