Creative Soccer Culture

A mid-week mind game to test your boot based knowledge.

What’s in the SB boot-park today? 14/08/13

What s in the SB boot-park today?
A mid-week mind game to test your boot based knowledge.

What's in the boot park today is back with a fresh edition of our boot based general knowledge quiz. Have a break from the mid-week madness and get stuck in to this one, its not the easiest but you do keep suprising us with your superior boot boffiness so maybe we're wrong....

We reckon we've got a tricky one up our sleeves here so good luck to ya, the winner is the first person with the correct guess - that's brand, model and colourway. There's not much on offer except bragging rights and a pat on the back from us (not in person) but that's worth it right? Let's see what you've got...

UPDATE: Well we underestimated you with this one, many of you guessed correct. Of course it was the PUMA v1.815 Ferrari Well done to Jacob who got there first.


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