Creative Soccer Culture

The world s first all-weather technical compression for boots.

DryFeet - The Most Bizarre Football Boot Invention?

DryFeet - The Most Bizarre Football Boot Invention?
The world s first all-weather technical compression for boots.


DryFeet is new product that slips over your football boots to act as a waterproof material to prevent your boots filling up with water in wet conditions, to keep your feet warm and to "increase ball striking".

DryFeet, in their own words, is "a curve-jumping new product created out of necessity - playing in wet, cold conditions." Designed by athletes and proven by science, DryFeet Performance Footgear is the world s first all-weather technical compression for boots.

Weighing a mere 2 oz. each and only 2.5mm thick, the product is made from DRY technology, a triple-layered water repellent shield that repels 95% of the moisture that would otherwise get to your feet. This results in your feet, socks and boots remaining dry and lightweight.

DryFeet keep your feet at +7.5°C in -20°C conditions. A foot in regular cleats would drop down to 1.5°C, nearly freezing and the Anterior + Posterior synthetic print on the medial forefoot is for increased ball-striking control, whatever the conditions.

We're all for innovation, we love a new idea as much as the next person, it keeps us on our toes, it's exciting, but sometimes you have to question whether brands are just being innovative for the sake of being different. So is DryFeet a genuinely worthy product, a game changer, or is it just solving a problem that doesn't exist?

Let's say you've finally bought the boots you've been eyeing up for weeks, you're happy with how they feel and you've picked out your favourite colourway - is the next step to cover them up? We're not too sure. You've seen what they've got to offer so we'll let you make your own mind up.


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