Creative Soccer Culture

Big Shaq & Danny Welbeck Play FIFA 18

In case you hadn't heard by now Big Shaq isn't hot. Even with the central heating on full whack the MC kept his jacket and cap firmly on as he went head-to-head with Arsenal striker Danny Welbeck on FIFA 18, before discussing ratings in a game of "Is Man Hot?"

With Welbeck struggling to reach 90 minutes, and Big Shaq's track already reaching 90 million views on YouTube there was only one man that was in hot form, even if he was going to deny it. A classic FIFA match up of Real Madrid vs Real Madrid ensued with Welbeck threatening to take Shaq's jacket if he claimed the win. With the game over Big Shaq and Welbeck discussed player ratings on FIFA 18, before confirming that he's still not hot.

Good stuff all round, but we're massively disappointed in Welbeck not dropping in "Man's not shot" after looking at those half time stats.


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