Lukas Podolski, as far as we're aware anyway, becomes the first World Cup winner to open a Kebab House – and let's face it, he was always the odds on favourite.
Yep, it's 4am, you've stumbled out of the bar and now you're looking for something to soak up all that alcohol and the realisation that you're going home alone again. All seems depressing, all seems lost, until your lord and saviour Lukas Podolski pops up from behind the counter, trademark gormless grin on his face, holding a kebab with cheesy chips and curry sauce. Only then does life begin to make sense again.
At least that's how we envisage a visit to Cologne's newest dining establishment.
The former Arsenal and Bayern Munich man appears to building some sort of obscure Cologne Monopoly board-game by adding the Kebab House to his other business ventures in the city that already includes a clothing store and an ice-cream parlour, obviously.
Mangal Kebab is name of the shop, and you can find it in the Chlodwigplatz district after it opened over the weekend. You might want to let the queue calm down a bit, mind; almost 1,000 locals turned up to see their famed son open the doors and sample the food.

"Ideas just come – I don't even really have a business plan right now" explained Podolski. "Opening a five-star restaurant isn't my style – I'm not the type that wears a suit. Other folks head to the golf course after training, and just hang around there all-day long. I sell ice cream, Kebabs and clothing, have fun and everyone can take something home."
If there's two things we love in this life, it's Lukas Podolski and kebabs. A win-win if we've ever seen one. We'll have a Döner and a can of Sprite, Lukas pal.