Creative Soccer Culture

10 Things You Might Have Missed This Week – 08/03/19

Yep, it's Friday, which means it's time for 10 things you might have missed this week. Because we've got no other way of featuring Christian Benteke and Ron Burgundy in the same article. Football's weird. Embrace it.

Keeping score – David de Gea has the type of player power that Kepa Azzzirigugbllaierala can only dream about.

Mystic Timmy – Impressive? Yes. Not putting at least a quid on that. Gutting. 

Probably Would Have Missed – Poor old Christian Benteke. Can't knock the lad for persistence. Must have been the longest 15 seconds of his life.

Where's VAR when you need it? – Imagine making an 800 mile-round trip only for it to be your second biggest trip of the day? Fuming.

Kind Of A Big Deal – Ron Burgundy himself, Will Ferrell, was in attendance and leading the cheers as LAFC got their 2019 MLS season underway with a 2-1 win over Sporting Kansas. Cheerleader's have really taken a dip in the States these days.

Headers And Vo... Headers – With his foot out of action, Neymar has come up with a new way of playing basketball. He should be alright at non-contact sports.

El-flick – In case you missed it, here's an alternative angle of Jack Grealish's absolute rocket of a volley from Villa's win over Derby. This angle gives you the perfect view of Tommy Elphick doing his best to get a flick on it and completely ruin Grealish's life.

Office-ical – Yeah you feel old. 

Curveball – Fined two weeks wages for not making this x-rated through ball into an assist. 

New Number – Yeah he regretted that the moment he started climbing. Joke had gone by the time he reached the scoreboard. 

Lobbly Stuff – Kasper Schmeichel doing his best to convince new boss Brendan Rogers that he should get a run out up top...

Was that ten? Who's counting...

Daniel Jones

The Creative Soccer Culture Brief

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