Creative Soccer Culture

10 Things You Might Have Missed This Week – 28/06/19

Another week in which we’ve enjoyed the craziness of the Copa America, the anarchy of the AFCON, and the wonder of the Women’s World Cup. And nestled in amongst it all there’s 10 things you might have missed this week, including an honest assessment of Manchester United’s squad and GNev’s new commentary position at Anfield. Ready? Let’s go…

The Rules Of Football, Page One – Luis Suarez, ultimate master of shithousery that he is, took things to a new level this week, claiming a handball... by the Chile keeper.

Seeing Double – Imagine the confusion this causes in the changing room... 

Standing Tall – Hats off to Megan Rapinoe. Pulling no punches when asked about being invited to the White House.

Chicken Run – Copa America again, and this fan took to the pitch dressed as a chicken to mock his team's local rivals. Ended abruptly when Chile's Jara tripped him up. Of course, Luis Suarez called for Jara to be booked for it...

Clean Living – Egypt fans setting an example for all, staying behind after their AFCON match to tidy the stadium.

The Future Of Football Commentary – We'd pay good money just to see GNev hoisted around Anfield in this way.

Saying it like it is – Gotta love the honesty of kids. 

Very Angry Reactions – Admit it... with VAR coming to the Premier League next season there's a small, sadistic part of you that's looking forward to seeing how certain managers react to the chaos...

Father Of The Year – Not like it's Japanese or anything. Oh, wait...

The Pride – Glastonbury music festival got underway this week, and they screened the Lionesses' quarter final match against Norway. Fair to say there was plenty of support. Feel bad for the guy who had three people turn up for his set on the other stage though.

And that's your lot. Have a good weekend...

Daniel Jones

The Creative Soccer Culture Brief

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