Creative Soccer Culture

Sao Paulo x Penalty Conquer The Universe

Sao Paulo x Penalty Conquer The Universe

After conquering Brazil, America and the World, it seemed the natural progression was for Sao Paulo to conquer the universe and launch their new shirt into space. Attached to a weather balloon with a fixed GoPro camera, the shirt lifted off from the famous EstÁdio do Morumbi; it's destination? Unknown.

It's a great concept, executed well by the team at Penalty and Sao Paulo. One wonders if the stunt has been attempted before, it's such a great idea, and the result to see your club shirt hovering above the earth is a great image.

Let us know if the shirt came down near your house?! Or just what you think of Penalty's unique kit launch idea, because which fan doesn't want to see their team on top of the world!


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